Wartburg College
Linux Computation Lab

LCL Home

The Linux Computation Lab lab comprises a cluster of 19 workstations running Kubuntu Linux with a central file server. The machines are located in SH 347 and are also available for remote login using SSH and VNC (see Remote Login).

The lab is used primarily for upper-level Computer Science and Computer Information Systems classes but is also available for general use by other Wartburg students. If you would like an account contact Dr. John Zelle.

We have 12 machines available for remote login: molly, neon, loach, clown, guppy, oscar, dojo, danio, cichlid, gourami, lion, and barb. The remaining 7 machines (tetra, goby, piranha, glasscat, puffer, rasbora, and discus) are for lab-internal use.

The default desktop environment on these machines is KDE, but others are also available. Standard software includes programming environments for C, C++, Java, Python, Perl, Prolog, and Scheme as well as MPI-based parallel/distributed computing, text-formatting utilities (Latex), various editors, a host of productivity programs, image viewers/editors, and of course games.

This page is maintained by Dr. John Zelle. Send comments to: john.zelle@wartburg.edu