CS100 Fall 2001 Lab One - Course Communications

Part One: E-Mail - your computer autobiography

You are to email a message to your instructor containing a description of your computer experience.

TO: email to BREUTZMA@WARTBURG.EDU. You will lose points if it goes to any other similarly named person on campus.

SUBJECT: the subject line must contain exactly 'CS100 autobio - your name'. You will lose points if it says anything else. (replace your name with your actual name of course)

MESSAGE BODY: the body should contain the following:

Part Two: Manhattan - share a computer experience with the class and (later) comment on someone else's

Log into the manhattan server at: [you may want to bookmark this location or at least write it in your notes somewhere]


Your username is your first initial plus up to 7 letters from your last name e.g., jbreutzm.

Your password is the 4-digit number provided to you by the instructor the first day of class.

This is public so let's not get too personal or heated!

Part Three: Course Web page

Using explorer, Netscape, AOL, manhattan or any other browser you're familiar with go to the class website (you're here now aren't you?) and print a copy of the course syllabus/description as it currently appears. [You may want to bookmark this location too or at least write in your notes somewhere]


Bring this to class the next time we meet. Those who have them will be given points on this part of the assignment.

Due Dates: Part One, the email autobio, is due the evening of Thursday, September 13 at midnight. Part Three, the printout of the course description. is due 'in-class' Thursday, September 13. The initial step of Part Two, the initial post, is due Thursday, September 13 at midnight. The second phase of Part Two in which you react to a fellow student's post is due the evening of Tuesday, September 18 at midnight.

Read the course description for the late policy for the course.