Chapter 2 --------- Page 45: In the first sentence of the second paragraph "but not does not include" should read: "but does not include" Chapter 3 --------- Page 59: In the second to last paragraph on the page, the fourth sentence should have "10 // 3" instead of "10 / 3." Page 68: In the third paragraph, "4.8 million" should be "480 million". Page 75: In discussion question 5, the second sentence should end with a "?" instead of "." Page 76: In programming Exercise 3, "hydrocarbon" should be "carbohydrate." Chapter 4 --------- page 107: In the second paragraph: "Although fahrenheit is an int value" should should be: "Although fahrenheit is a float value". page 108: In the second to last sentence on the page "window as not" should be "window has not". page 112: setText(string) Sets the text in the entry box to the given string. Changes the font face to the given family. Possible values are 'helvetica', 'courier', 'times roman', and 'arial'. should read setText(string) Sets the text in the entry box to the given string. setFace(string) Changes the font face to the given family. Possible values are 'helvetica', 'courier', 'times roman', and 'arial'. page 116: In question 4 for all answers, "setcoords" should be "setCoords". Chapter 5 --------- Page 139: First paragraph of Section 5.6, "for a for a later chapter" should just be "for a later chapter" Page 147: Last sentence on page should be "Here is a run of the change-counting program for Chapter 3. Chapter 6 --------- Page 185: In Figure 6.7, the arrow from balance should point to the square containing 1050. Page 198: In Exercise 10, "Exercise 5" should be "Exercise 4." Chapter 7 --------- page 215: Program fragment at the bottom of the page. The print statement should have parentheses: print("No real roots.") page 216: This example is not correct for Python 3. The print and input statements need modification. It should read: # import math def main(): print ("This program finds the real solutions to a quadratic\n") try: a, b, c = eval(input("Please enter the coefficients (a, b, c): ")) discRoot = math.sqrt(b * b - 4 * a * c) root1 = (-b + discRoot) / (2 * a) root2 = (-b - discRoot) / (2 * a) print("\nThe solutions are:", root1, root2) except ValueError: print("\nNo real roots") main() page 221: in the third line, "x2 >= x3" should read "x1 >= x3". page 221: Second sentence of the last paragraph of section 7.5.1 "three Boolean expressions" should read "four Boolean expressions". Chapter 9 --------- page 285: Example interaction at the bottom of the page. All references to "rball1" should be just "rball". page 286: Example interaction at the bottom of the page. All references to "rball1" should be just "rball". Chapter 11 ---------- page 345: In the second code fragment on the page, the input should be converted to a number both places: nums = [] x = eval(input("Enter a number: ")) while x >= 0: nums.append(x) x = eval(input("Enter a number: ")) page 375: Footnote at the bottom of the page is missing curly braces. "0:<151:>5" should be "{0:<15}{1:>5}". page 378: True/False Question 8 should be deleted. The comparison function was dropped in Python 3 and is not discussed in the Chapter. page 379: Discussion question 1. Delete "import string" it's unnecessary and not covered in the text. pages 395 and 396: Both occurrences of the winsServe method should read: return random() < self.prob. Chapter 13 ---------- page 435: In figure 13.1, all occurrences of "n1" should be "n-1." page 438: In the first paragraph of section 13.2.5 "for an integer n" should be "for a positive integer n" Appendix B ---------- Page 480: The interactive example at the bottom of the page is missing parentheses in the print statemets. It should be: >>> print("Hello, World!") Hello, World >>> print(2+3) 5 >>> print("2 + 3 =", 2 + 3) 2 + 3 = 5 >>> Index ----- Page 508: The I-K heading is misplaced.