Dr. Josef M Breutzmann - Areas of Socarship Interest, Grants, Publications

My scholarship interests at various times during my academic career have included-

Structure and Complexity Theory, including but not limited to:
Probabilistic Computation, Quantum Computation, Average Case Complexity, Kolmogorov Complexity, Instance Complexity, Measure and Complexity, Baire Category and Complexity, Complexity and Information Theory
Feasible Real Analysis, including but not limited to:
Feasible Real Numbers, Feasible Real Functions, Feasible Measure Theory, Feasible Probability Distributions, Feasible Baire Category
Computer Science Education (undergraduate), including but not limited to:
Integrating Parallel Processing into the Undergraduate Curriculum, Ethics in the CS Curriculum, Languages for CS 1 and CS 2, Implementing ACM curricula in a liberal arts college


Breutzmann,Josef. "A Project-Oriented Organization for an Introductory Computational Science Course." Midwest Instruction and Computing Symposium. Iowa Wesleyan College, April 2006.

Breutzmann, Josef. "What Mathematics Requirements for Computer Science Majors?" presentation and panel discussion. Iowa Undergraduate Computer Science Consortium, Wartburg College, October 2005.

Breutzmann, Juedes , and Lutz. "Baire Category and Nowhere Differentiability for Feasible Real Functions", Mathematical Logic Quarterly vol. 50 no. 4/5 (Sept. 2004).
preliminary results originally presented at 12th International Symposium for Algorithms and Computation, Christchurch, New Zealand, December 2001. ( full paper.PDF 12pps, 279K)

Bates, Matthew, Breutzmann, Josef and Johnson, Chad . "Developing Learning Modules for Introductory Robotics and Programming Using LEGO®‚ Mindstorms", Wartburg Partners Program (supporting faculty & student collaboration).

Backeberg, David and Breutzmann, Josef "Low-Cost Supercomputing for Photo-Realistic Stereo Rendering", Maytag Innovation Grant. (supporting undergraduate student research). September 2001-June 2002.

Breutzmann, Josef. "Introduction to and Some Implications of the ACM/IEEE Curriculum 2001 Strawman Document.", Iowa Undergraduate Computer Science Consortium, Cornell College, November 2000.

Breutzmann and Lutz. "The Equivalence of Measures of Complexity Classes", SIAM Journalon Computing, Vol. 29 No. 1, [Jan 2000], ( abstract.ps 1p, 414K) (full paper.ps 40pps, 608K).
results initially presented at 14th Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science , Lübeck, Germany, Feb. 1997, LNCS 1200, Springer-Verlag 1997

Breutzmann, Josef. "On the Relationship between Probabilistic and Quantum Computation" Iowa State University Colloquium Series, Dec 1996.

Breutzmann, Josef. "The Complexity of Parameters for Probabilistic and Quantum Computation" dissertation, Iowa State University, Dec 1996.(abstract.ps 3pps, 143K)(full thesis.ps 113pps, 562K)

Breutzmann, Juedes and Lutz. "Nowhere Differentiability and a Zero-One Law", manuscript 1995

Breutzmann, Josef. "Integrating Parallel Processing into the Undergraduate Curriculum", NSF grant USE-8951268, Principal Investigator.1989-91

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